Impulsa el teu projecte
de salut digital en un entorn sanitari

Boost your digital health project in a healthcare environment

Develop your project at the Digital Health Validation Center, a real-world environment with clinical experts, and take your technology to the next level.

Present your solution

Digital Health Validation Center

Digital Health Validation Center

The Digital Health Validation Center is a pioneering initiative dedicated to clinical validation and technology transfer in the field of digital health. Its main mission is to generate solid evidence on the impact of digital health, facilitating its adoption by the healthcare system.

To achieve this, the Digital Health Validation Center works with agile methodologies, offering personalized consulting, co-creation, piloting, and validation services for healthcare technology solutions. In doing so, it enables the evaluation and improvement of technologies in a reduced timeframe, maintaining the highest quality standards and promoting a collaborative approach between healthcare centers and the private sector.

Una aliança pel progrés tecnològic i digital

An alliance for technological and digital progress

The Digital Health Validation Center was created from the alliance between Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona Health Hub, and the support of the Fundació Privada Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, with the aim of facilitating access to clinical validation and technological transfer of digital solutions through public-private collaborations.

This union has led to the creation of various validation and consultancy products in digital health, endorsed by the quality of a renowned healthcare campus like Sant Pau Campus Salut Barcelona and a leading innovation hub such as Barcelona Health Hub.

Els nostres serveis

Our services

Personalized Digital Health Advice
Agile Project Management
Access to users from national and international centers

Per què col·laborar amb nosaltres?

Why collaborate with us?

Per què col·laborar amb nosaltres? Info

Projects and collaborations

Projects and collaborations

Development and implementation of a pilot validation test for a mobile health strategy for patients with endometriosis.
Pilot test
Clinical validation

Development and implementation of a pilot validation test for a mobile health strategy for patients with endometriosis.

Fundació Privada de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau and Trilema Salud
Yeary 2024 | Completed
Development of a Virtual Reality Prototype as a Therapeutic Tool to Improve Functionality in Patients with Schizophrenia

Development of a Virtual Reality Prototype as a Therapeutic Tool to Improve Functionality in Patients with Schizophrenia

NTT DATA, Digital Health Institute by NTT DATA
Year: 2023 | Completed

Salut digital en acció

Digital health in action

Presenta’ns el teu projecte de salut digital EN

Present your digital health project to us

Do you have an idea or digital solution that you want to test in the healthcare environment? We can guide you in any of the stages in your project’s technological innovation cycle, from design and/or development to final validation.